sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Exceptional phenomena in the desert of Atacama

A exceptional phenomena is happening this year in the Atacama Desert
The flowering of all sorts of wild species of flowers, a phenomena happening approximatevely every seven years is occurring at this moment in the Atacama Desert, 850 km north of Santiago, in the north of Chile. This exceptional event is due to the unusual amount of rain fallen this year the months of may june through july this winter in a the region that is accustomed to have scarcely any rain precipitations. Furthemore if the rain does'nt fall during this two months and falls earlier in the year or later in august, the plant seeds won´t have the humidity necessary to grow a and bloom. This spectacle is a real gift of nature in such dry climate, where only endemic vegetation like small cactus or very small plants and very few trees are to be found. The eye can catch a wide variety of colours ranging of the whole spectrum of colours, covering the planes and the hills along miles of the desert landscape.

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